Apache Server Installation and configurations
look if apache is installed
1. rpm -qa | grep httpd
2. rpm -ql httpd-mannual
3 /etc/httpd
4. Apache startup
httpd -> httpd.conf & conf.d/*.conf
5. Apache logs
6. hostname -f
7. htdbm , htdigest , htpasswd ( Used to Password protect)
8. modules extend the capability of kernel. apache has modular structure
9. /var/www/
html , cgi-bin , error , manual , icons ,usage
10. suexec " it runs cgi scripts" it is used by apache.
11. virtual host
12. Listen 80 " Means When Apache starts it will bind to port 80"
when Apache runs it temporarly run as root
13. Apache Model
httpd(core key capabilities ) -> modules
> grep Loadmodule httpd
11. less /etc/passwd
grep -i nologin /etc/passwd
deamon users.
12. Document root "/var/www/html/"
BUT It can be customized by changing as below
DocumentRoot "/var/www/testalias1"
13. .htaccess
14. less /etc/mime type " Just Info "
15. Apache start
16. Alias " Allows us to map URLs to Physical Location
Alias /testalias/ "/var/www/testalias1 "
testalis folder contains a file index.html.
user url http://localhost/testalias/
17. Directory Directive.
Directory directive can accept many options to instruct Apache.
Symlink should be created in document root ..... Use Alias directive
18 . Create Symbolic Link.
ln -s ../testalias1/ testsymlink1.
19.Open Ports using #system-config-securitylevel-gui/tui
20. .htaccess file.
21. Virtual Hosts.
Allows apache to host multiple websites.
two types of virtual hosts, ip based and name based
IP Based Virtual Host
<VirtualHost >
ServerAdmin root@
DocumentRoot /var/www/ipbased_test
ServerName abc.sngpl.com.pk
DirctoryIndex xyz.html abc.html
ErrorLog logs/ipbased_test.error.log
CustomLog logs/ipbased_test.log combined
Name Based Virtual Host
Virtual Hosts - IP-Based & Name Based
ApAche Basic Authentication
Apache DigestAuth
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